Other Publication
In this article co-written with Dr. Shawn Bryant we provide an overview of how elicitive approaches to Peace and Conflict Studies are being used in higher education.
This article in the Journal of Peace Education explores the role of transpersonal consciousness in Peace Education. Following the framework of transrational peace philosophy, it discusses the dynamics between the spiritual and policitary layers and their relevance in preparing for elicitive teaching, curriculum design, and developing pedagogical approaches. I use my personal experiences in elicitive peace education to elucidate opportunities for the practical application of transpersonal consciousness in the classroom.
Written with Florencia Benitez-Schaefer, Shawn Bryant, and Catalina Vallejo. In this tex, the authors explore what happens when diversity also involves conflicting approaches to peace. It argues that peace itself is an expression of diversity, and understanding peace requires a change in approach.
A Manual for Developing Courses in International Peace and Conflict Studies (ECDM) co-authored with Josefina Echavarría Alvarez and Adham Hamed. This book outlines the central principles of the University of Innsbruck’s Approach to curricular development for Peace and Conflict Studies.
This paper prepared for the Peace Pracitioners’ Research Conference (2013 ) with the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies in Siem Reap, Cambodia. This text explores the topics of identity, narrative, and elicitive conflict transformation.